
Green University of the Year Award

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Finalist of the Green University of the Year Award

"Learning in tandem with the tides of the mighty Brahmaputra at the vibrant campus of IIT Guwahati"

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati established in 1994 has completed 25 years of glorious existence. At present, the Institute has 11 departments and 5 inter-disciplinary academic centres covering all the major engineering, science and humanities disciplines, offering BTech, BDes, MA, MDes, MTech, MSc and PhD programmes. The institute offers a residential campus to 413 faculty members and more than 6,000 students at present. IIT Guwahati has been able to fulfil the aspirations of people of the North East region to a great extent since by maintaining the highest green cover and practices despite having an expansive campus. The picturesque campus is on 285 hectares plot on the north bank of the Brahmaputra, with more than 60% of it being a complete green cover, which includes hills and large lakes and few manmade water bodies within the campus and preserving the healthy eco system. All possible green practices in the campus are being implemented that are of the highest standards. These includes the following:

1. Rainwater harvesting by developing extensive infrastructure across the campus for near complete rain water collection into interlinked lakes and water bodies and their utilization primarily for horticulture purposes, fish harvesting and migratory bird’s preservation sites.

2. Grey water utilization.

3. Solar panel installations in hostels, academic buildings, administrative buildings that generates
power of up to 940.74 kWp and enhancing this capability by 5-10 % every year.

4. Sustainable and biopolymer development and utilization and ban of single use polymers.

5. Providing E-rickshaw to campus users.

Key People

Prof. Dhirendra Nath Buragohain
Founder Director
Civil Engineering,  IIT Guwahati

Prof. Gautam Barua
Former Director
Computer Science and Engineering,  IIT Guwahati

Prof. Gautam Biswas
Former Director
Mechanical Engineering,  IIT Guwahati

Prof. T. G. Sitharam
Present Director
Civil Engineering,  IIT Guwahati


The institute acknowledges the MHRD, GoI for the guidance and support. Institute also acknowledges the financial support of various government, public sector and private support provided to the institute in the form of infrastructure, research, academic development and manpower support that has led to establishing a world class institute. Institute also acknowledges the state government and the citizens for the support and gratitude.


IIT Guwahati Anaerobic Digestion

IIT Guwahati Batch Rotary Drum Composter

IIT Guwahati Eco Friendly Motor Vehicle

IIT Guwahati Grey Water Pumping

IIT Guwahati Rain Water Channel

IIT Guwahati Rain Water Harvesting

IIT Guwahati Residential Block and Campus Green Cover

IIT Guwahati Solar Panel

IIT Guwahati Vermicompost marketed by a IITG start-up company

IIT Guwahati Vermicompost Plant


Impacting lifes

Solar photovoltaic panels/plants are installed at IIT Guwahati campus. A total of 940.74 kWp is generated through installed photovoltaics across the campus. Solar water heaters are installed at various hostels in the campus to harness green energy. Rain water is harvested across the camps very efficiently and channelled to the large lakes and waterbodies in the campus which is reused for gardening, construction, washing vehicles and common maintenance purpose. Artificial ponds to harvest rain water have been developed. Vermicomposting units developed across the campus that are used to develop manure and recycle organic waste. Food wastes are systematically collected from across the campus and delivered to piggeries on a daily basis rather than disposing them. Plastic has been banned and replaced with biodegradable polymers and sustainable alternative materials developed in house in many cases.

One of the student clubs, Prakriti, has been playing an instrumental role in ensuring the harmony with nature and devise technological solutions aimed at addressing environmental challenges, conservation and monitoring. Several initiatives of the club sensitize people to adopt environmentfriendly behaviour including inter alia plantation drives, eco walks, energy audits on campus, observing earth hour, interactive sessions with leading ecologists and conservationists, etc. The club activities stem from their sense of right to enjoy and moral responsibility to preserve the natural resources.


Lessons learned

Among frontier areas of research and innovation, IIT Guwahati is working towards augmenting critical science and technology research initiatives in various areas of science and technology, more specifically towards sustainable polymers, biodegradable plastics, water resources management, rain water harvesting and power generation through solar panel installation and use of e-vehicles on the campus. In its silver jubilee year, IIT Guwahati is poised to scale newer heights through all round growth and development by adopting best practices at its institute & various institutes it is mentoring. The institute being recognized through its research and teaching activities globally, has been mentoring all NITs (07 in north east region), CIT Kokrajhar, IIIT Guwahati, NIPER Guwahati, IIT Patna, Centrally funded Universities in NE region including Nagaland University (whose Chancellor is the founder Director of IIT Guwahati and presently a faculty at IITG), Tezpur University (Vice Chancellor from IITG) and various other institutes in this region and across the country, who, from time to time seek the advice of IIT Guwahati on green practices and implementation of environment protection, community services by IIT Guwahati campus as part of its mission of inclusive growth and development.


What's coming?

The strategic commitment provides the road map of the journey. The strategies include the Mission, Vision, Goal and Values that would be instrumental in placing IIT Guwahati among the top academic institutions of the world. The strategies will create new opportunities for the faculty and the students for enhancement of knowledge, performing cutting edge research and development of professional skills. The ultimate aim is to provide the students with an educational training that emphasizes innovation, social awareness and professional ethics. Also there is a need to promote the spirit of creativity amongst our researchers.

Mission Statements
• Provide education, research and service in a scholarly environment
• Prepare the students for successful professional careers
• Motivate the graduates to play a vital role for breaking the chains of poverty and give better life to millions.
• Meet the technological needs of the Country
• Extend the body of knowledge
• Support Innovation

Vision Statements
• To be recognized internationally for excellence in research, pursuit for developmental activities and deep concern for students’ care
• To be of service to the citizens of the Country
• To become a preferred destination of:

Institutional Goals
• To be recognized as one of the world’s top 100 Institutes/ Universities in coming fifteen years.
• To enhance external grant and research funding at the level of internationally well ranked Institutes
• To graduate 95 percent of the entering PhD students within four years while maintaining rigorous academic standards.
• To furnish state-of-the-art facilities for all programs in coming fifteen years.



No of Full Time Faculty


Total Student Strength


No of completed PhD in 2018-19


No of Research projects

312.5 Crore

Sanctioned value of research projects


No of patents applied in 2018-19


Papers in Journals

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