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Community Engagement Initiative of the Year Award

Center for Energy Environment and Economy (CEEE)

Finalist of the Community Engagement Initiative of the Year Award

"Next generation near future"

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Climate change mitigation and adaptation actions require significant awareness and capacity development efforts. The National Energy Efficiency Strategy Document 2017-2023 of Turkey indicates that annual energy consumption in public buildings and institutions is to be reduced by twenty percent (20%) by 2023. We believe that such a dramatic change can only be possible wide-spread involvement of architects, engineers, stake holders, and the technicians who actually work on building energy efficient structures. Therefore, we have proposed YENI NESIL (Next Generation) project to develop a number of different layers of teaching and training action items to have climate adaptation and mitigation plans more effective and long-lasting in Turkey and in long run in Africa. The main objectives of the YENI NESIL project have been to train the decision makers and teachers on the following areas: a. Energy Efficiency Literacy: The project has offered raising awareness on low energy buildings, targeting a large range of citizens from different age groups and different professional background. b. Energy Efficiency Infrastructure: The project has offered detailed monitoring and studying of energy performance of educational buildings. The data collected from these activities was compared with the data CEEE collected previously. All data was analyzed and a road map was created in the light of the outcomes, besides guidelines per beneficiary. c. Energy Efficiency Impact: The guidelines prepared for Municipality have had the intention of affecting the works on setting standards and parameters of zoning legislation and upgrading daily construction habits.

Key People

Yasemin Somuncu
Project Manager
CEEE Center for Energy Environment and Economy,  Ozyegin University

Prof. Dr. M. Pınar Mengüç
CEEE Center for Energy Environment and Economy,  Ozyegin University


Ozyegin University has been fully involved in funding both YENI NESIL and NEXT-GEN projects and is ready to contribute to any future expansion of the projects. YENI NESIL project has been co-funded by the European Union and Republic of Turkey with the contract number TR2013/0327.05.01-02/114. After the project was completed, CEEE has received the additional major funding from the Transformers Fund of Islamic Development Bank (IsDB).


Breakdown of Yeni Nesil Module

Yeni Nesil Website Screen Shot

Yeni Nesil JointDecision and Implementation Process

Yeni Nesil Project Poster

Yeni Nesil Roll Up

Roll Up 2

User Guide

User Guide 2

Project Closure


Impacting lifes

The on-going field trips of YENI NESIL are turning out to be fruitful gatherings with different sectors and age groups. CEEE is acting as a bridge in time among different generations. The students, who are now taking part in the YENI NESIL curriculum, are already being recognized by different municipalities, which are establishing their own Energy Efficiency departments. They are also being recognized by international contractors and manufacturers, who are in need of qualified blue collar and green collar personnel. The field team has been collecting many stories from students, who have stopped studying as they have no hope for future jobs. The field team is visiting the classes and telling the students: “We as architects, as engineers can design the best possible projects. We can come up with the best processes with the help of governmental entities. We can finance our works. Yet, if our designs are not realized in the constructions in the proper manner with proper detailing, we cannot succeed with achieving energy efficiency. The insulation materials have to be placed properly, in order to avoid thermal bridges. The electrical connections to the equipment should be in correct order, in order to save electricity. These mean that we cannot succeed without the support of qualified technicians on site. For these reasons, complete your classes and graduate as qualified technicians, being aware of the importance energy efficiency. We need you”. Students, who have been part of these conversations are now preparing to challenges and competition arranged by CEEE.


Lessons learned

The knowledge, which is the base of YENI NESIL has been built up in time and by taking part in some multi-stakeholder consortiums. During the EU-FP7 project NEED4B, CEEE has been collaborating on developing a methodology for low energy buildings by filtering the design, construction and facilities phases through three main components: tools for energy efficient new buildings; user requirements and monitoring and feedback. During the EU-FP7 project BRICKER CEEE has been collaborating on deep renovation of public buildings within the boundaries of public procurement procedures. During the EU-H2020 project TRIBE, CEEE has collaborated with different stakeholders in understanding and finding ways for further improving user behaviour in already occupied public buildings’ energy performance.

Involving as many stakeholders as possible and sparing sufficient time to understand the needs of stakeholders is very crucial for the success and sustainability of the project. In YENİ NESİL, CEEE has organised workshops and continuous communication has been ongoing among the stakeholders. In YENI NESIL we aimed to influence the decision-makers such as Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Energy, Istanbul Cekmekoy Municipality in collaboration with NGOs like EYODER (Energy Efficiency Management Association) and ENVER (Energy Efficiency Association of Turkey). The beneficiaries of YENİ-NESİL was the school directors, field chiefs, teachers and students. The collected information is being demonstrated in the official website of the project www.yeninesil insaatcilar.com, outreaching a larger number of people. Currently, we are scaling our efforts from one municipality to 10 municipalities, and from one country to 4 countries.


What's coming?

As a natural extension of YENİ NESİL, the new project dubbed NEXT-GEN aims to expand CEEE’s experience to ten provinces at the Southeastern Turkey, and later to three African countries, Mauritania, Niger and Tunisia. Such a project is not easy to plan and implement unless the university provides a fertile background. The emphasis of Ozyegin University on the concept of sustainability is one of the reasons for our success.

Ozyegin University and CEEE have signed a protocol with the Ministry of National Education and ten vocational and technical schools in Southeastern Turkey, at which students are going to be trained by teachers, who have attended the YENI NESIL Energy Efficiency Course and certified by the Ministry of National Education. CEEE is developing an artificial intelligence (AI) based website, in order to disseminate the energy efficiency culture (http://yeni-nesil-enerji-sertifikasi.net/) not only in Turkey, but also world-wide.

YENI NESIL and NEXT-GEN have already a wide-spread reputation. Several well-established secondary schools at different parts of Turkey are approaching to the Center, in order to repeat the same measures for energy efficient infrastructures and curriculums.



students impacted by YENI NESIL


Residents in Çekmeköy District impacted by YENI NESIL


Students impacted by the second step of YENI NESIL


Residents impacted by the second step of YENI NESIL


Residents in three African countries to be impacted by the third step of YENI NESIL

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